About us

About us

Flame Point Brewing

Proprieters: Chris and Kelly Baker
Brewing Club: North Florida Brewers League

We are a home brewery operating in Marianna, FL since 2019. We specialize in low-gravity beers (typically around 3% ABV) influenced by traditional styles. We brew for friends and family, and we serve our beers at charity events around Northwest Florida.

Our History

Chris began homebrewing after moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico, inspired by coworkers at Sandia National Labs and members of the Dukes of Ale Homebrew Club. Carrying this hobby with them to Knoxville, TN, onto Tallahassee, FL, and eventually back to Marianna, FL, we have continuously focused on brewing accessible session beers that may not be commercially available. Alongside occasional stints helping out at Southern Fields Brewing Company, Chris enjoys brewing small batches in the garage and serving them with Kelly wherever we get the chance.

A selfie of Kelly and Chris, smiling at a restaurant table with a Christmas tree in the background. You get the hint they are celebrating a wedding annivesary.
A picture of a white cat with blue eyes and orange marking on the extremeties of the face and body
Kelly (left) and Chris (right) Kiki the flame point Siamese, brewery namesake and mascot